Caribbean Cruise Inclusive
Experience the magic of the Caribbean on this cruise for two, all of your meals and shipboard entertainment are included.

The Pirates may be gone, but they left behind the greatest treasure of all. The sea, islands and coast - lines of the Caribbean. Rich cultural tapestry woven through the centuries has produced diverse and vibrant and thriving region.
The Caribbean Islands are classified as one of Conservation International's biodiversity hotspots because they support exceptionally diverse ecosystems, ranging from mountains to rain forests to cactus scrublands.
The Caribbean in Brief
The name "Caribbean" is named after the Caribs, one of the dominant Amerindian groups in the region at the time of European contact during the late 15th century.
The analogous "West Indies" originates from Christopher Columbus' idea that he had landed in the Indies (then mean - ing all of south and east Asia) when he had actually reached the Americas.
The Caribbean is a region of the Americas consisting of the Caribbean Sea, its islands, and the surrounding coasts. Situated largely on the Caribbean Plate, the area comprises more than 7,000 islands, islets, reefs, and cays. Geopolitically, the Caribbean consists of 28 territories including sovereign states, overseas depart - ments, and dependencies.

The Geography and Climate
The climate of the region mainly ranges between sub-tropical to tropical and depends a great deal upon location in proximity to the Tradewinds that blow towards the Eastern Caribbean islands heading northwest up the chain of Wind - ward islands.
In the waters of the Caribbean Sea, the region can be found migratory large schools of fish, turtles and coral reef formations.
The Puerto Rico trench located on the fringe of the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea just to the north of the island of Puerto Rico is said to be the deepest point in the entire Atlantic Ocean.
The Caribbean offers plenty of fun in the sun year around, with very little difference in temperature from month to month. The time of year you travel may have more to do with your budget than with the weather.
High season usually runs from December 15 through April 15. During this time, prices peak during Christmas week. After the holidays the prices drop during January. They rise again by February and remain high until mid-April.
Low season covers the summer and early fall months these are the warmest months in the northeast section of the US, the area from which travelers often flee to the sunny Caribbean during the chilly winter months.

Christopher Columbus's first landfall in the New World was on San Salvador Island, also known as Watling's Island, in the southern part of Bahamas. English settlers came from Bermuda in 1647.
The Bahamas became a British crown colony in 1718. The Emanci - pation of the British West Indies United Kingdom Emancipation Act took force on August 1, 1834, thereby ending slavery in the Bahamas. The British made the islands internally self-governing in 1964. In 1973, the Bahamas became fully independent, but retained membership in the Commonwealth of Nations.
Congratulations on your purchase of this Caribbean Cruise. We look forward to helping you have a wonderful trip.
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Geneva Illinois 60510
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